Posts tagged installation art
“Trust,” Installation at Terra BURNa

I’m so grateful to have made an installation again! Thank you so much to Terra BURNa for creating the space for me to try out this installation.


My Story

For those of you who don’t know, for almost 15 years, my main artistic job was as an installation artist for festivals. I used to travel around to events and create spiritual and wellness spaces. 

Festivals and transformational events have my heart. I grew up in a pretty messed-up family with extremely challenging dynamics. Creativity wasn't a valid career and self-expression wasn't encouraged. I left home young and confused.


Pretty soon after I left home I ended up getting into the rave scene. Back in the day raves were different than they were now. They were full of creatives, homemade decor, and deep connections. That scene eventually turned into the transformation festival scene and from there I found my true family.

This was a family that desired a deeper connection to the world around them through presence, connections, music, yoga, mediation, and art. I grew up in that world, and because of those experiences got deep into my spiritual practice. Through years of yoga, meditation, divination, and beautiful relationships, I learned how to manifest a life that looked like my dreams.


Because of this festival upbringing, I started traveling and setting up installations around North America. I focused on creating transformational spaces where people could enter an area and participate in a ritual or practice to help them connect to the universe around them. 


However, as all of you know, a year and a half ago everything changed. A pandemic hit the world that gutted our capacity to gather in community. My job as an installation artist went up in smoke, and I began to focus more on what you see now, my clothing and stained glass practice. 

I thought that I was fine with this transition for myself. I had been on the road for so many years and I was pretty burnt out on it. However it’s now been two full seasons off, and I find myself itching for it again. 


Why I love Installation Art

There’s something I love so much about creating installation art. It’s hard to describe what it feels like to walk into a space and be surrounded by an incredible environment that will disappear in a couple of hours or days.

For me, my art practice is the way I give back to the world. My creativity is my divine spark that I hope to share. I don't follow a major religion, but instead apply my spirituality to artistic practice, because for me art holds a place of deep meaning and ritualized transformation.

I try to use religious space as a model for spiritual practice and transformative change, taking ideas and concepts from various worldwide spiritual spaces to make something unique to a new type of spiritual practice.


I’ve found that when you create sacred spaces it immediately creates that energy for those who enter. I’ve called my installations “temples,” (see here!) for years because the intention is to bring out the energy of connection to something deeper than ourselves. 


I also believe that spiritual practice should be fluid and in touch with the world around it. Ephemeral installations fit this model. I can create something that speaks to the community I’m working with, that can change with feedback and each install. 

There’s also something so beautiful about surrounding someone with art they don’t have to pay for and can’t really buy. It’s so rare in this day and age to not have money as part of the interaction. It’s really special to be able to gift an experience and expect nothing back. 

"Trust" installation

Hanging feathers as an installation was something I had in my head for a  long time. I love the glass feathers I’ve been making over the last couple of years. Each one is so unique and I love every one of them.


At the beginning of this stained glass journey, I never expected feathers to be such a large part of what I create. But people love them and keep asking me to make more! I desire to serve others, so I’m ecstatic to keep making tools that work for people.


It was a little nerve-wracking having them outside in the wind since 45 feathers equal about a hundred hours of work. They’re all so precious, I was worried about them getting broken, or even the whole thing falling from the sky! 

But it worked amazing! The feathers were heavy enough that they didn’t swing around and hit each other in the wind. The rainbow makers bounced light all around and they looked completely different depending on the time of day and where the sun was. It was beautiful to see them outside. 


I also brought out the “Divine Support,” Winged Kuan Yin statue with Moonstone and Labradorite. Kuan Yin is a bodhisattva, a being that has forgone the bliss of nirvana to stay in the realm of Earth to support anyone that calls on her. She approaches each situation with mercy, kindness, and compassion. 


There was also an altar and a couple of shade stars from the Halcyon Temple installation, which to this day is still one of my favorites. There was a beautifully printed canvas where you could sit and watch the feathers or meditate. 

The whole thing made up the “Trust,” installation, a meditation space that was focused on the concept of being supported by the Divine. Many believe that celestial beings are around to protect us, guide us, and help us in our times of need. 

Whether you believe this or not, the idea that there is a divine order to the universe can help us relax and trust in something greater than ourselves. I wanted the installation to be a comforting reminder that there is something much greater than us, that is taking care of us, keeping us safe, and listening to us when we have no one to turn to. 


I think this first iteration of the installation was successful, although if I installed it again I would add more feathers! The thing about having art outside is that everything looks small. I would love to be able to double the number of feathers hanging in the sky. 


Thanks All! 

I do believe that art has the power to shift the universe. It's the reason that I commit myself to creation every day. By creating the world I want to see I'm helping move us towards healed and healthy spaces. 

To each and every one of you, thank you so much for however you participate in this process with me. I have been so honored by every beautiful and positive interaction I’ve had. 

I truly believe that the purpose of this life is to connect deeply and make the world a better place. When we all participate in beautiful interactions with each other, we do both. 

So much love, and maybe I’ll see you at a “Trust,” installation sometime in the future!