How to Use Your New Meditation Object

Meditation objects

Object focused meditation can help you reach a state of presence faster. As children, we were trained to keep our mind from wandering by giving it a job to focus on. Object focused meditation makes use of your previous training by getting your mind to focus on the item in front of you.

A stained glass meditation is a beautiful way to add this practice into your life! Once you’ve purchased one, here’s what you do with it.


1. Open up your box! Each item has been carefully handmade through an intricate creation process. I've made each bespoke piece out of artisanal glass and crystals, and no two items will be exactly alike. This meditation object is unique to you! 


2. Once you have opened up your box, you will want to clear the energy of your new art. Although all sun catchers and jewelry have been reiki infused with their intention, it has likely traveled a long distance to get to you. This may add energies you don't want. 

Clear your item in any way that feels natural to you. You can run your art under water (yes, it'll be fine!), let it sit in brown rice, set your art out in the moonlight, smudge it, or use sound, (or any other way that feels intuitively good for you.) 


3. Take some time to infuse your object with your intention. Hold the item, set it on your third eye or corresponding chakra, or place it in a crystal grid. Focus on why you choose this particular item, and what energy you want to bring in by having it in your life. Thank the item for helping you bring in this energy.


4. Next, you'll want to put your meditation object somewhere sacred. If you received jewellery, you can hang it on a chain or cord to wear it. If you have a hanging suncatcher, choose a place where it catches the light, and you can easily look at it while meditating. 


5. Sit down to meditate and get comfortable. Rest your eyes gently on your art and start to follow the lines and colours of it. See how the light glints off of it, look at the different patterns in the glass. Every time your mind starts to wander, bring it back to the object.


6. Repeat all steps as necessary! Your art collects energy the more times you use it. So clear and infuse your object whenever you think it needs it. When we care for our meditation objects and crystals, we not only change their energy, but we remind ourselves to care for our spiritual selves as well. 


Need something comfy to meditate in? Check out intentional clothing HERE.